Sole Proprietor

Sole Proprietor

A Sole proprietorship can be explained as a kind of business or an organization that is owned, controlled and operated by a single individual who is the sole beneficiary of all profits or loss, and responsible for all risks. It is a popular kind of business, especially suitable for small business at least for its initial years of operation.

Key Attributes

Duration Not specified basically till the life of the proprietor.
Single Ownership A single individual always owns sole proprietorship form of business organization
No sharing of Profit and Loss All the profits and losses are of the owner
Unlimited Liability Unlimited personal liability
One-man’s Capital Finance obtained by the owner
One-man Control The controlling power is with the owner who takes all the decision to run the business.
Less legal formalities There are almost no legal formalities even registration is not a mandatory process.
Taxation Return is to be filed/Income of sole proprietorship is counts as the personal income of the owner.

Advantages of sole proprietor:

  • start-up costs are low
  • easy to run business
  • you own all the profits
  • you’re the boss
  • easy to change your legal structure anytime

Disadvantages of sole proprietor:

  • you have unlimited liability for debts as there’s no legal distinction between private & business assets
  • difficulty in obtaining funds
  • income of sole proprietorship is counts as the personal income of the owner.
  • duration of sole proprietor is till till the life of the owner

Procedural Aspects

  • Registration is not mandatory for sole proprietor
  • Sole proprietor can register with MSME or the concerned municipal corporation
  • Opening of Bank Account
  • Pan card of the proprietor will be pan of firm
  • GST registration, if any