One Person Company

One Person Company (OPC)

A company that needs only one person who can incorporate a company by becoming its sole member and sole director requiring a nominee of the sole member.

Key Attributes

Single Ownership/ One member Company may be a One Person Company (OPC) which requires only one person as a subscriber to form a company and such a company will be treated under the Act as a private company
One Director Only one director is required to form an OPC
No sharing of Profit and Loss All the profits and losses are of the owner
Limited Liability Liability of the owner is limited
Duration Since there is only one member in an OPC, his death will result in the nominee choosing or rejecting to become its sole member.

Advantages of OPC:

  • only one person required who can be sole member and director
  • sole members own all the profits
  • OPC gets a number of exemptions from various legal provisions
  • liability of the owner is limited
  • legal status and social recognition for your business

Disadvantages of OPC:

  • suitable only for small business
  • since there is only one member in an OPC, his death will result in the nominee choosing or rejecting to become its sole member.
  • nominee is required to be appointed
  • OPC can’t do all business like that of Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC)

Procedural Aspects

  • Choose and apply name of the OPC
  • Submit requisite forms & documents (including MOA AOA)with ROC and obtain Certificate of Incorporation
  • Open a bank account
  • Apply for registrations like GST, IEC, Startup, MSME etc